What Is This All Night Halloween Party Really All About?

"Halloween Costume Party"

At The Lake
October 29th, 2016

The pool will be heated and ready for you!

But, I hate camping!  You will miss some of the fun after the lights go out, but there is a motel just about 5 miles down the road.  It's a Hampton Inn, 2630 Northbrooke Plaza Drive, Naples FL, 34119 239-596-1299.  (please don't drink and drive). 

It's outside and buggy!  Yes, it is technically outside but we've been lucky with great weather so far and the evenings have been beautiful.  The party is under the pavilion so even if it might rain you will be protected from the elements.  We're rarely bothered by bugs.

It's too far to drive and then go back home late at night!  See the motel listing above.  Have a designated driver or stop drinking early during the party.  Please don't drink and drive.

What if it rains?  Don't worry about rain!  It rains in Florida, but usually not for long periods.  You will be snug under the pavilion.

 If everyone really knew what this party was like we'd have 1000 people showing up!
  Come out and try something new and unique!
 You only live once!


When you attend the party you enter these gates:  It's quiet inside at 9:00 a.m. on party morning. There are birds, deer, and other wild life you may see, and lots of beautiful plants and palms..  Nobody will be there to run out and tell you to take your clothes off as you park or go to the campground to set up your site.  Nobody will stare at you or look at you funny, it's just all relaxed and a "no problem mon" thing.  

The only rule about clothing is you must be nude when in the pavilion, or swimming during the day.  If you are just relaxing in your campsite you can be dressed all day if you like.  If you like to be nude you can bask in the sun all day and DJ R.I.P. Tide gets set up early.  Beach music plays early and throughout the day.  You NEVER have to be nude at this party if you don't want to be.  When the party starts, you can wear anything in the pavilion or around the pool.

 The pool is always heated to at least 87 or 88 degrees when possible and the pool water is crystal clear.  Everything in the campground is neat and very clean, the restrooms have a candle burning and they are as clean as your bathrooms at home. 

There is a large deck of stone around the pool and under the pavilion and it is cleaned and washed daily.  As you check out these photos keep in mind that they make things look small but the place is actually pretty large and could easily accommodate several hundred people.

Here is a picture of the pavilion at night has a nice sized bar.  There is a range, sink, refrigerator, etc.

On one side of the pavilion there is a large concrete deck with a fireplace and during the party a nice fire may be burning.  Some people enjoy sitting in this area because the fireplace is so relaxing and homey.

The party starts at 7:00 and we have the place to ourselves. 

We have a nice  light show brought to you by DJ R.I.P. Tide.  Some of the ladies dress in their sexiest finery, as we dance the night away.  It's no different here than at any other LifeStyle event......"No means No" and if you are not in a playing mood nobody is going to try to force you into it.  However, if you are in a playing mood,  the sky is the limit .

The pavilion is nice and cozy with candles lit at your table.  The snacks and special dishes await your attention and browsing.  Games and prizes abound during the evening and you will meet the nicest people in S.W. Florida!

You can go to clubs all over the state of Florida and you can spend lots of money to do it.  You have a place to go right here in our neighborhood that is very inexpensive and unique.  Come out and enjoy a new experience!

 You can "dress to impress" at this party just like any other swing event or you can get down and dirty....stay naked all day and night!  You won't have to travel several miles after drinking to go to an after party to play at 1:00 in the morning. 
Come out all you S.W. Florida people and experience something different, a safe place to enjoy our LifeStyle and stay off the roads.  The party is private and not open to the public.  You must sign our privacy agreement when you get to the gate
or already be a member of FSP.  Click HERE to sign the privacy agreement.